New business

Boost your business using smart insights, professional advice and tailored guidance.

New Business Development

Determine the future course of your organization with us and dare to add real value for your company and your customers. We think along with you and use our knowledge and experience to develop an efficient and future-oriented approach for your company. By examining your current way of working, we look for new business models using technology and artificial intelligence. We go a step further and look for approaches to tap into new markets. In short, we identify new opportunities and ways to grow for your business.

(Re)thinking your business?

We would love to help!

Contact us

Artificial Intelligence in your Company

As experts in artificial intelligence, we are well positioned to assess the role of smart technologies in your company. We look at how we can make a difference in your business concept with AI and ensure a seamless implementation in your processes.

Artificial Intelligence in your Company

Exploring new concepts together

Dillen Technologies helped us achieve our goal: launch a new hotel brand with maximal automation and optimal guest experience using innovative technology.
Thomas Vandenbergh
Chairman of the Innovation Board BESIX GROUP

    By involving Dillen Technologies in your organization from the start, we can help to determine the best course and lay out a solid foundation for various business activities.

    Discover the A-STAY case
    Exploring new concepts together
    BESIX Group
    Democo Group
    Universiteit Antwerpen